Dienstag, 17. Februar 2015

Macadamia-Eiscreme - Roasted Macadamia Ice Cream



  • 3 cups raw macadamia nuts, toasted
  • 50g dark chocolate, melted
  • 1 x 395g can sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 cups thickened cream


Place 2 cups of the macadamia nuts in a high performance food processor and process on high until the mixture becomes creamy (I don't have a vitamix blender, so made mine in my strong Kenwood processor - it will take 4-5 minutes).
Meanwhile, chop the remaining nuts into chunks.
Add melted chocolate and blend again until all ingredients are completely incorporated and the nut butter is smooth. Pour condensed milk into a bowl and add 1/3 cup macadamia and chocolate butter.
Whip thickened cream in a separate bowl until firm peaks form, then stir in 3 tablespoons of the condensed milk and macadamia mixture and stir till combined. Add the remaining condensed milk and remaining chopped nuts and fold into the mixture till just combined.
Place in the freezer to set until solid.
20 minutes before ready to serve, remove from freezer to thaw slightly enough to scoop.




3 Tassen rohen Macadamianüsse, geröstet
50 g dunkle Schokolade, geschmolzen
1 x 395 g  gesüßte Kondensmilch
2 Tassen Schlagsahne


2 Tassen Nüsse im Mixer fein pürieren. Restliche Nüsse in Stücke hacken. Zu der geschmolzenen Schokolade geben und mit Kondensmilch mischen.
Die Sahne steifschlagen und unterheben. Masse in eine Form füllen und im Gefrierschrank festfrieren.
20 Min. vor dem Servieren aus dem Gefrieschrank nehmen.

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